Easter Services
Come and join us in celebrating Holy Week. This is the most important week of the Christian calendar and we hope you will be able to join in with some of the services and activities we have.
Palm Sunday on 13th April at 9.45am

Palm Sunday marks the first day of Holy Week. This is a service of Holy Communion with the blessing and distribution of palms.
The Cross of Christ on 13th April at 6.00pm
An evening of beautiful hymns and anthems to prepare us for Holy Week.
Reflective Services for Holy Week
Monday 14th April and 16th April at 7.30pm
Maundy Thursday Service on 17th April at 7.30pm
Service of Holy Communion as we remember the last meal that Jesus shared with his disciples before he was arrested. At the end of the service, we will symbolically strip the altars in preparation for Good Friday and the church will remain open until 10pm for those who wish to stay and pray.
Good Friday Reflections on 18th April at 1.30pm

We will have a series of reflections in the church as we journey on the way of the cross.
Easter Eve - Watching and Waiting on 19th April at 7.30pm

Celebrate with us as we take the Light of the Risen Christ into our dark church.
Easter Day Service on 20th April at 9.45am

We celebrate with great joy the resurrection of Jesus with our Easter Sunday Service.