
There are a variety of services at All Saints’ and you are very welcome to attend any of them. Children are always welcome at all of our services.
We meet at:
The Green
Croxley Green
Hertfordshire WD3 3HJ
The information below will hopefully give you a flavour of the style of worship at the different services
8.00am Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer. (Second Sunday of the Month)
A simple and reflective Communion Service using traditional language from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. It is a said service so there are no hymns. The service lasts about 35 minutes.
9.45am Parish Communion
A formal service of Communion using the Common Worship Service Book. Both traditional and contemporary hymns are sung. The service lasts about 1 hour followed by refreshments in the church.
11.30am First Sunday (First Sunday of the Month)
Formerly the Family Service, this very informal all age worship is particularly geared towards children and their families with bible stories, singing, crafts and games. The service is in the church and lasts for about 30-40 minutes.
8.00am Daily Prayer (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays)
A simple, informal and reflective service at the start of the day, based on the Common Worship order of service. Morning Prayer lasts about 20 minutes and is live-streamed on our facebook page.
9.30am Holy Communion (Thursdays)
A said service of Holy Communion lasting for 30 minutes, followed by refreshments.
Private Prayer
The church is open daily for private prayer and meditation between 10.00am and 2.00pm.
Some further information
There is a hearing loop in church for those with a hearing aid.
Receiving Communion. Worshipers from all Christian traditions who would usually receive communion in their own church are invited to take Communion at All Saints’. Those who are not confirmed are warmly invited to come forward for a prayer of blessing.
Children are really welcome. Please bring them along, we have a selection of toys and activities available for the younger ones.
For more information about what is available for children, please visit the Children in Church page.
Come and join us!
If you have any questions about our Services or need to get in touch with us about any other enquiry we will be happy to help. Please Contact Us for more information.